Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

T .H E G 0 N 1' E N T s•. DOCT.g. <-Men are more or le/Je perftfl)as they areperfwtdedefGods All-fufficiencie. 175 REASONS. 1. It is Gods .argt~mel'tt to perfwade ·to perfoC!- nejfe. · . - · ibid 2 frhis _perfwttfion heales inordinate (e!fe- . love. 176 VSE. Tol"bourt~beper(waded. ibid D OCT.4. LAchriflianslife liketewalke. I'8I t.AChrifiiiJ13S life agreeingwithte walkein fix thing!. 184 · ·vsE. x. To cenfider the tHdofourbeing inthe world. 193 2. Topendereveryflep. : 195 3.Not to judge ,enbyfemeparticul4raClions. z 1 o ~ D :OCT.5. 'Who(etver hathit~teref1 in Gods All-.futlici ?ncie,nmfl beaper(efl man. 21_4 REASONS. I. Elfe the ftrfl Adam Jhoutd be m6re power– -full tocfJmmt~ '•icate (inne ,theu the fecond tu injli!l grace. ibid 2 . El fc the worlusofredemptionfooNld~ot·beperfeCI. 2I } · : 3. Elft .Gods·commands jhoutdbeimpofible. 2 16 l 4 • Bl{e the Coventtntwere not mutuallbetweene . Godandus. . - . 217 5 Elfr allthat we dDe is te no p11rpeft. , 218 . · )( 2 . Si?Jceritic