Goddifp-en;;; fethhhgifts differently, no one man bath all. " 3· God can fa. tisfie the de. tires ofalow condition, .Q p· G 0 D s l()ueofher h.u~tiaod, but the Lordhath made her barren: on,rhe_<lther fide, Peninnahhad children but fhewanted theloue ofher husband:itis pur– pofely noted there, that you may fee how the . \ Lorddifpenfeth his comforts: ~md fo it was with Leah& Rache!,theone,you know,had children, and wanted her Husbands loue, the other had a greater abundance ofloue, butfhe was barren. ,As it waswith rhefe, fo generally theLorddif– pen!eth good& evill together. There isno man that bath all things. You fee },f ofts, he wanted eloquence,that <-AaronhaJ,as M oft sagainehad the wifedomethat Aanm wanted: [o Paul and Bttrnabas,they had different excellencies, the one had that the other wanted,and fo it is generally. Therefore thinke with thy felfe, there is no m.1n that hath all, and why !hould I deftre it~ there mull: be amin~lingoffomc defeds. Again,Thirdly,Confiderwith thy. felfe,that the varieties ofrhefufficiencies that Godgiues to men,thathepbceth fome ina higher degree,and fomeinalower, to fome .h~ giuesgreater gifts, ~o fome Ieifer; fome he makes rich, and fome poore,fome honorable,and fome bafe;this variety in a.ll the works ofGod, takes not away from the perfetl:i6 ofeach one:every man in his place may hauea. perfection,he may haueit within his fpheare, fo that rher€ il1a1l be no want at all:for theLord, ()Ut ofhis Almighty power, <·is able to doeit, thatthedeliremaybe fatisfiedasmuch, rheymay bdilledinalowerconditionas wdlas jnagrcater, thou fhaltfeele no more want, but haue --·----------=-~------------------------~ 0