A L L • s V l F I c I E N c Y. · haue as great a degree ofhappine!fe as the othet; you know, there are fundry expreffions in that · cafe:-. A little Bottle is as well filled '!sa greater_. ·whatcana mande6remore butto be fatisfied? Simil~. And thereinGodis <.A!Lfl1ficicnt,thereis in him - anA!l-fujficiency to fill every creaturein his own fpheare, and compalfe, when he hath made ':ef. [els ofglory, they be notallofon~forr, but of divers forts, fome of one fort, forne of another fort,bnt they are all veffels of glory, they haue all experience ofhis ric~es, andof his mer.cies, fotlut none hauecaufeto complaine. I.afi:ly;Confider (in that meanneffe of place, 4· gifts,or condition thou art in,)thou maiefi: be as A Chrifliam ~ hithhlnelfe f.1ithfull in alittle, as another maybe in much. iJ:1ccepted in Confider, that he that hath much, yet ,there is a me.tneeon. nothing his, butthe finceritie wberew'ith a man clitio-n. bath ufed that \V hich heh~rh,w4erewith he performes all he dorh:hethat hath the giftsthat Ehrhand Fau/had,that excellencie of gifts., it is not his but the Churches, all that is his, is but his faithfuln,es in difpenlingthofe gifcs,they are A m:~ntgifcs -not his ownebut th ·~Y are be!to\ved on him; and are not hu, h I I 1 rr {i f but the faith· , c t 1at hat 1 the eaer mea ure o gifts, he that fulnes wherebath the lower partgiven him·to act, while he is · w.ithhelmh on thdlage ofthis world, is Jccepi:cd accordin cz tfpenfed to hisraithfulneffe,every man &all be rewJrded t em.· accord i-ng to his fairhfillneffe & .finceritie: there- : - fore content thy felfe with a lower condition, - fity not_ that.GodisnotAllf1ficient,becaufethc,mhaO: not a h1gher degree: · for thou fedt here is 1: All:fl:fficiency in God;topreferue thee in all com1 - Jor~ _ ---·-