• A L 'L -. s V I! F I c I It N c y. But ifany Creatur~ ihall fay, I.w~ll feekeno fur– ther end., but to haue a happine!Ie and perfection within mine owne compaife, it is all one~ as ifthehearbe ihouldfay, I will not bebeholding to the Sunne,but I willliue ofmy felfe ,or I will Simil:. not be beholding to the raine,&c. This creature muftneeds perifh, becaufe bis end and perfection is without himfelf~ altogether; Iris asif the hand fhould fay, I will feeke aperfection inmy owne fpheare, as I a.m fuchapart, as I amfuch a . member,withour looking to thefoule,that giues life,or without looking to the re'fr ofthebody it fubfifts in, this is the way to dcfrroy it: So it is with every creatute;if it feekeaperfection with– initfelfe,itisthe undoing ofitfelfe. On theother fide, whenit deniesitfelfe,whenit emptieth it felfe,wpenit loolees fot nothing within its owne compaffe, hut goes our ofit felfe, and out ofevery Creature befides, to the Ocean of hap- Wherein the P ines, fromwhence it muH-receiue all the perhappindfeof . the Creature feetion it hath, I fay, therein confifl:s the bead- eonfifts• .tude~nd bletfedndfe ofrhe Creature. Secondly: As that is one argument, to f11cw . . ~ . h . f ·h h I l . f It tsm contl· t e emptmeso t ecreature,t att'le 1app1nes o nuall motioil it is without it .fdfe altogether, and therefore it mufineeds beemptie, fothisisanotherreafo~ whichyo.utball find inEccle. 2. Everycreature, Ecc:Icr. z. namingdivers ofthem, thesunand the ·waters, and theWindthe feverallgenrrations o(the creatures, whereoftmegoeth, andanother Jucceedeth, thus theWifemanconcludes, fayth he, allthings arefnloflA&our:~mancannot utterit. Andhe proues ~ it