Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

G 0 D s it by this, The Sunnerifeth, ar;dftts, and is never at quie.t,theClouds_ goe about hy:their circuits,and· ·. neverremaine ftill in their places,thL"waterisjliU' · running to and fro,fomc Rivers_ arerunning tothr· . Sea,fomerunning out ofit ,fo that dllthings arefitll Tbecndof oflahour. Now what is the end ofall motion,and 1 mocion,_what \ ofalllabor~ When any man,or any thing moues it felfe from one place to· another, it is. ont of a ddire, .out of an to he there rather then in the place where it is, .there i~ no appetite or de fire but offomc-rhing that is wanting :for,if it had thething;it would'haue nodffireto,it,and therefore it is. carried to fomething without it · \ . felfe :futhatthe motion ofthe creature is a figne of the imperfection of it. B.efides-,whatfoever.. moues,_it moveth to getdiat which,it hath·not : yetitisimpoffibilitie ro: haueit, &ithathitnot ~ f:or, ifit had it,the Creature would refhhere, it would ·r-emainein that rerme, it would frand frill upon thatCenter,but becaufe it wantsfomthing it hath·not,.therefore it mouesit felfe,and .there1 fore itl_abour:s. Now when you fee this is the <1ondition ofevery Creature under the Sunne~ 1 a,Uthings are full o.flabour, andforrow, and man that is the Lord ofthem (you know what is fayd to him, that in lah'our hefh'ottld rate-his hread; and all his.liftJbould!JefoUoflabour) iris an argument ofthe imperfettion;.and ofthe vanitieand indii genc_e oftfuc Creature, ,and that.what it hath, it 1mufr haueelfe-where. · 3 1 Laf.l: ofall,you lhall know it by this,that whatF ith~t? al~ · by foeverthe creaturehath it hath it but byparticirt~ctpatton , :> . I p~