14%- %. Itis brittle. Rom.8·~ . ; · OF GoDs the2.verfe,What remttinesto amd.nefall his tr~t. vets, or what availes it, or what profits ir,accor– ding to that in the Gofpdl, which is the hell: ex. I preffionofit 1 Sayth our Saviour) Put the cafe · thou hadfl:alhhegood things in the world, that altheglory ofthe world,that al rhe richesinthe world were in thy polfeffion,yer,fiyrn he, when thou fhalt lofe thy foule, what is all this PIt can– not helpethee tofaue thy foule,what willitpr~fit' thee?Thatis,ii isa.nvnprofitable thing to make vs happy.Befides,in this thevanitie ofthe crea– ture is feene, that it is of a mouldt ing, vanifl1ing nature.Ifo.4o.Rom.8. thofe two places exprelfe ir:Ifa.4o. 6.A!ljlejhisgra.f[e,andaUtheglory ofit 'as·thejlowerofthegraj[e;Thatis; As-iris expref– fedin the next Verfc, as the graffe is of fading nature,. fo-is the Creature it felfe, and as the Flowenofth~gralfc; fers out all the excellency, aLl the gifts and beamie ofthe Creature that is found ·init;ThefpiritofGodblowes vponir,and the gralfewithers; and the Flower fades a\vay: · So in Rom. 8. The-Cteatttre isfobjcef to vanitie; Thatis, It is ofno abiding condition, it withers, and··wafis,and ·hath nothing in it tomaintaineir. . fds vnaoleco bring entcr– priz.ci.topdlc Befides, it is-called vaine :-becaufe it is not able to bring any enterprize to palfe. You ·would thinke the Creaturewf.re able to· do much, but you fee what the L6rJ.faith; A man tbinkes he is. I. ableto builda houfo or he tbinkes he is ab-le t0 watchaCitie. No,[ty,th tbeLord, ifl'withdraw my felfe; thou fhalr be able to dQe nothing, ; or any Creatur~ whatfoever. \Vhat isf:1idoft hat; may_