ALL- s V F F I c I -EN c Y. 15'j A~1ine}iayrh he-,moreover, when I hadgot6 Nocomfort. ten a Ithis, yet I found this, ~.hati was not able to take comfort in it :forI fawthar wa-s the gift ofGod, That is.; Further_ then he gaue power to receiue any comfort ftom all the things that The Creature myhand had gotten, further I could not: for, fayth he, Who hd{leda(ttr outward things mere then1~ The meaning isthis, I indevoured,to the uttermoftofmy 'power,to find out contentment in the Creature, who could do it more, with more diligence, who couid haft after outward things inore, .and with more iatenti.on·fecke for all the GOntentmeuts that are tobe found in the Creature then I lAnd yet, faythhe, I found it was not in me, hut Goddifpenfeth that acco-rding to hisownepleafure. Thelafr argumenthe'hafh againftit,is;he mull: 'leaueall,Imuft leaue it. But then c<>mes an ·objedion, I,-but I fhalf leaueit to my Sonnet . caneatcam· fort without a powetfrem God. 1 Wemuft Jeauethem. oh. . 'True,fayth he'} fh~re is alfoa vanitie in this, for, (tyth he, firfi,J toike paines in equitie, and in wifedome, andhoneftie, httt 1jhaU leatJe it tohim 'that hath not taken .paines for all this. As if he A m:mcannot fhould fay, I fl1all leaue them the efl:ate that I leau< hlschild h b r. , b I l gracetoll".a. , ··aue gotten yWiteaome, ut cannot eaue n.agethellate . themmy wifdome toguide the ell:ate whenthey he1eaues him. haue it. This·,fayth he, I found in my fonne for the prefent,this I fee inRehohoizm. · - · But whereas itmay be [aid,who knowes what 06 jeCI. hemaybe~ . -. Sayth he,thls is amifery,that 1know not what · ' .Anjw~ · 0 · .he