:~..~ L b- S V F F I C I EN C Y. be adivilion in the nature o£rhing.s,there would .rlot bea.vniiie, and by confequence,it wouldbe the defiruCtion ofthem•.And therefore ofnecef– fity;firft·t}fere mufi be agoverrrment,or els how could the.farnily frand':'and ifthere hea govern– ment,itmufi not be by man )~nd'ifit be -not by man,it mufi hebyone that is GoJ.-. .! Nowthe..ohjections in bricfe; .we fee marry ohjcE!. · things arecafua1l,&y_ou may fl:rengthen the ob.- , ·j<;etions out ofEccl~(.9. I I ~1fee (faithhe)thttt t!Je Ecdef.9.H· ) raceis not to the fwift,.northe6attletothejlron-g:~ \ nor yet riches t~ .a manof vnderjlanding, but time.. 'ttndchancebefols every thing. · To this, I anfwer, in a word, -thatit is true; .;tnjw. there are chances that fall outin all thefe thi-ngs·, , that we caUproperlycafualloraccidental;when fome thing comeshetweene·a caufe and the ef- When a thing feet .and.hindersit. . As when aman is o-oino- a ; isfaidtobe ' ~ 0 ca{uall journey, and an Axe-head fall off, and either ,. • wounds him, or ldls him, it comes betweene the ~ffecHmd the_caufe, betwe~ne his ;·doing, an·ci ; ~hat whichhe intended;if .. the fire be burrring:r . and water cafl:vp.onit, and hinders it:;. -that is ea..; fuall, b·ecaufeit takes off the caufc,from its in– temion.So it isin thi~, wherein the Wi(tman in– fl:anceth~liena manis fl:rong, and fome acd..., dent comes between, and hinders him from ob·· iairiirigthebattell;when aman bath ·wifedome-, . and (ome accident comesbetweene;and hinders ;ljim from ohrainirigfavour; Thatis-that which • Tli . . . I 11 h. N . . h . eprovt- :w.eproperyca c ance. OWltlstrue,t ere1s ; denceofGod ' fiich achance in thenatureofthethin()' ·but yet: . feeneincafu- ~' ' all things. confider . ... : ~ · ' •'"' ' •• . '-J .