Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

D S confiderthis,though this chance be contrary ~o the particular caufes, yet it batha caufe, and it rifeth from the vniverfaUcaufe; fo that it is cal– led chance, becaufe it thwarts, and comes be– tween.etheintention ofthe particular cattfe, but it_doth nor differ ftom the intention of the vni- · verfall: for thofe acCidentall things hauea caufe as well as the things that we intend haue a caufe : fomewhatthereisthatisthe Author of all eau. {es,that is the firfr ofall caufes, and therefore it is impoffiblethatany thingfhouldbe totally by accident. And therefore, I fay, whenfoever you find this, it is [o f..1rre from being cafuall, ifyou looke into it exatHy,that then the providence of Providence Godis moll: feene in it ofall others,fo far it is fro , m~tHcencin comming by chance; becaufe thofe things that thmgsthatwe . d b . l r. d' h . ca\l,h.cnce. are one y parttcu arcau1es, accor mg tot etr intention,we vfually afcribe it tothem;butwhen there is an intercurrent attion comes, that we cailchance, that belongstothevniverfall caufe, and is to be afcribedto him, and hence it is that · Why GOD brings things to paffe by ea· (uaU thing$, theLordvfually, in thedifpenling and admini– fl:ringofcontingentthings, heturnes things, ra– ther by accidental canfes, by cafiial things, then by thofe caufes that haue influence into their effetts; becaufe his owne hand i~ mo'(feene in it,hegets the greateil: glory by it,when heturnes greatefr matters by a fmallaccident, as we turtle agreat Shipbya littleRudder,thereinhis power and hisglory is feene. And therefore,I fay when you fee fuch a vanity and empdnes in the Crea- . tun~s, labourto fee the more fulne(e inGod;if ~ there