Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

- IJZ. I . 0 F G 0 D. s . No man can , }tie,except he beperfwaded that Godis All-fltJfi– ~~~f~~~a~ ~s !c.ient; .Thofe three men would never haue refu– difficult,vvith~ 11 fed to worfl1ip :the Idoll,excepr they' couldhaue out btleevmg {" 'd d h h · l · h G d · U ell' GodJ.Aitit~ffi· · ~t ,an t oug t mne1r e~rrs, o .ts 4.7. eto e~ ltvervs Dtt~ ofthy handJ,O Ktng~ This they fayd, and refolved to do. _ Dm;iQ/i - Andfo Dttniel refolved to do his dutie, and not to ,go , a frcp out of rhe path, brfides the Rule,Well;he fhall be caftimorhe Lyons denne; _ ( yet he kcepes his refolmion firme,it was enough for him to do his dutie, for the confequence of it, he left it to Gc-;d;·for .he knew 'he was All-fofficient~You fee,Godwatched over them,anddeli– ·verc·d them all.And fo likcwife,in refufing to eat ofthe Kings ~eate, Daniel would 'not pollute himfelfe,itwas-not 1awfu11 for-him being a Jew, itmight haue c_ofl: him his life,for ought he fnew ifhe had looked on the confequence, hut he re– folved to do it. Sayth the Text, he refo!vtdin· his. hearttfldot it;andcommitted it toGod. And we fee in allthefe cafes,Godfhewed himfelfe fu£. fident.So he doth, when we looM~ to our dutie fincerely and faithfully, when we do i.t,& Iooke not to the confequence,.he is then All:fofficient 7 · . andwill _fbew himfelfeto be fo ..And the like we t.Mordecai. '. fee in~he ca[e'ofMordecai, _hethought it was a;– . finne to bowtoHi.tman, who vvas an Amale!dtt,. · hewould not ·do it; ·-:Well; but they fhall all be defl:royed,he,andall the Icw~sjihut Godwas a– Iilerodeliver them.,And fo Ire te1sHejlirconti– denrly, the Church fhould be delivered, but he khewnothow, but, fayth'lre, ifitbenotbythy -~ . hands