V p R I G H T ·N E s. 1'71 he will be wholly theirs, th~t ;will be.wholly hl ·s · 1 -- :. ~ , :. ~ .; . . ·,.. . . . . ; . \, ' · . So themaine poynt thatwehau~ ,tobandle;·is . that whichGod requires on our part·s, without \ which we haueno interdl: inbisCovenant,name1y, that we bejincere and perfiCl, ,but before I come to handle this poynt which is the maine; I will touch an obiervationortwohy theway. And firfl: from thcConnex,ion, I am God AU– fufficient;thereforewa!kebefore me, and be thou perfiEf (I will but touch it,hecaufe I handled the negatiue part ofit at large.)Thiswemayobferue . that •. ) DD£1. Every mitnismore~r le!fo perfert ,iifgeismore or le(jeperfwadedofGods Allfi1ficiencie. Menare more 1 or leife perfed: as theyare You fee,tharis made the groundofourperftlt ~e:J:';tj!;f .. . walking1vith Godthat we beleeuehim tobeAU- ,ien(;e. fojficient, and therefore,I f4y, as our perfwafion ohhatismore·orleifc, fo every man more or leffe isperfe{fwith God; That is; Looke how a . mans faith in Gods promifes, and in his providence,is moreor ldfe,looke h0w he hath found, by his experience, God to be more fufficieni: to him,or leffe, fo is every mans walking with God· more or IdfeperftCf, The reafon of which is, partly, becaufe,it is Reafon r. Gods argument:whenGodvfe th any arPument, , IrisGo~s 1 k h f; h k 1 . 1 l . ': 1 ka !' argument to oo e ow art at ta es ~ ac~ 111 ne ?e,u t, oo.... . perfwade to how farre the vndcrfiahdmg 1s convmccd of 1t, pcrteetneife. fofarre hprevailesalfo with the'wil and'affedip 4 ons,