. Re~tfi 2·~ . This perfvva• Gon'heaies , felfeJoue •. OF , MANS ons,and fo farre it prevailes in the practife, and . , 'conver.fation o£ amanslife: Now when6odma– ·keth this thegtound ofourperfoEin~lfe,Cr~ farre,I 1 fay, asamanisconvihced ofit,. iO farreasheis perfwadedot'it, fo farre itwill produce this ef– fect; to ma.ke hifnperfcll;. andJjncere in his w.t/ 7 kingwith God~ · · · · '· · · Againe, partly; the reafon ofit, is, .hecaufe it heales that whic,h is the caufe of all our vnper– fedne1fe7.and vnevennerfe, which is felfe-loue. The reafon why men wa1ke not confrantly, .and perfdtly with God, is bccaufe they' lone thcm– felues inordinately,theythinke to provide better forthemfelues:when aman is fullyperfwaded of . Gods All-f~fficiencie.)tanfivers all thofe fal[e rea- ' 1 : fonings, all thoftdeceitfullargumentsthatfelfe-· loue is ready tobring tovs,vpon every occafton the-re is·no mandepart~fromGod, but he thinkes · ,at thatt.ime, it is better for him forodo: when .: it fl1aUbeanfwetedhim,Godis Allfufficient,itis . .better-fonheeto ·kcepe in thefl:nliteway, ifthou . feeke thyfelfeby difubeying ofhim, it iliall be worfe fortbee, w'hcn all the falfe reafonings of felfe-1oue are anfwered, . the heart mufl: needsbe ! ' vre. o Iabourfor · ' hisperfw.afi. perftn~·. , . ·· The Vfe ofir in briefeis~that ·we thould labour to be perfwaded ofthis truth; . and apply it, and makevfe ofir, vpon every occafton: when any command is·prefemed 'vnro .vs,.when anY. thing. ·. is tob~done,run to this principle, tobe perfwa– dedofGodsA!l~fofjir:iencie; that {hall helpethee todo every dude, .thatfhall preferue thee from · ev~ry