I I I ,, I THE CoNTENTS. 'God delights to crojfe mmin carn4/l confidence, forthreerea[ons. · , . 27 2 Not to ,he di(couraged in want ofoutwardprep4ratiom,for three Ret4(uns. 574 3· Nottojoyor forrorv ovcr~much for goodnrilt fucceffe. · 58 I 4· Nottomake fle!hour .•rme. 58 ~.l DOCT. 13. There is"' time 4/lottedto evtry aC1ion,3 .. forts of alfions mentioned. 59 I REASONS. I. Thingscttnnot he done in any othertime. 593 z. ThingsareheautifuUintheit time. ibid 3.ItisGodsprerog11tiue tottppointthe times.5'94 DOCT.If. It is httrdtofindeout the right times~· 59 c The times are kept (ecret. · ibid REASONS. I. T;o te4ch uswlltchfulne/fe~ ibid 1 J 2 •• To teach us to fiare,and depend vpon~od. ~. . 195 DOCT.r5. ... Becaufe men mi!Je the time, they fall into miferJe. ibid Injlances ofmijfing theright time. 596 VSE, To watch 01tr times in doing aCiions, 1 I. partim- ,larsmentiiJned. 6oo '. .j_. CatJ[esofmiji'ingthe righttimt:. 6os · ~ ·~~· Direlljons.tofinde6Nttherighttimt. 6o6 FIN l .S. . ·' ,· ·~.