Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

_1_8z.._· ~ . Q F 'M A .N S . \ ' die, fir not ftill, but beworking (for that i~ inti- ' What meant !tywallting. . Particuhr ac. tions,arero . many fieps in our jourqey. matedbyJvalking) towalke is fiill to be actin a in Tomething,fiill to l?e working, to be in empl~yment, atid not fit fii'll;fo that this is-intimated to us,wheN he f<1yth,walke before 'me that the whole .courfe ofrhis lifeis like a journey fromone place . to another. And againe every particular aCtion, islike fo many freps taken to that journeys end, .and ( marke it,I fay,)looke whanhe rounds are in a Ladder, that go from the bottom to the top, lookewhatthepaces in a journey are,fo q1any paces go to make vp the journey, fodoth every particular act go to makevp the Chrill:ia courfe that every man is to fulfill:fo then, as every fiep _ a man takes,telids to [ome fcope,or orhef,either Eafi:,or Well:,or N orth,orSoarh,ingen~ralland in particular,to Comeparticular place, near fome .Citie, fomeT.own~ )or fome Roome, (o every a&ioninam1ns life,ireitlqer rend, in gencraH to Eafl:,or 'Vefr; that is; to goodor cvill,it rends to · the ferviceofGod,or to the fervice ofSathaYJand likc\vife,inparricular,it tends ~ith~r to thi~ good dutie,or to avoyd this particular linne,tG this or that particular fervice of God, of sathan, or of our felues. So ch.1t not o:1ly thegreater actions(mi rke it) bute.vea the leffer,every one ofth~m>it is like a p:tce in a jo:uney, which th-tt I!UlYm1keplaine to you,youm·1fr kno-..v,tlutall thea.:l:ioJs w~do 1 either beactions that belo1~ toout .gen~::rall, or ~toQur particularcallins,or fuch as fit vs to them. jN·Jw take the lonefl: and the meanclJ:, action, your