Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

/ / F I 0 F .M A N s --:, ..~--, ,-.......----" / . forel~okctoeveryaction.Butthis is'in generali. Fiuethings · inawallteor Ioarney. I That:'fthich a mangoes to. I Grace. , Gods glory. . 3 Salvation. Now in particular (to bdng this fimilitude a. litt_Je nearer) you mull: confiderin awalke from· oneplace to another,when you goina Journey' you haue thefe particulars. . Firfr, There mu11 be aplace,a terme to which ·,you walke, fome whither, whither aman goes. Againe; There mull: beaplace, orttrme from which a man -comes. Againe; Thereisa dilbnce·: forin apoint, or alittle fpace aman.cannot walke. . Againe; There muft be aground to walke vp– on. And there mull: be a path :for in particular Iourneyes, as fi·omThehsto Athens, there is a firaight path-way to walke to ic,&c. Thefe par. ticulars we wiii expre1fe t9 you in this courfe of a Chri.frianlife-. Firfl:;I fay,therc mufl: be aplace to which aman goes,terminus ttdquem,as we callit,and thatisro grace,wetravailetograce,we travaile tothe {er– vice,and gloryofGod,andwetravailetofa!vati– on, thefe I find in the Scripture to be the ends, and theaimes,and the fcope, and mark, at which every man is to loo·kin his journey,in the courfe ofhis life. Labour togrBw ingrace, which ena– bkthvs to ferueGod, without which we cando nothing:Labour alfo,when you haueit,to come to the fruits, and operations, and effects of it; thatis,.tofpend your time in doing fome thing that may tend toGodsglory, &fervice. And \aft of all, looke at the reward, looke at folvattun, . which