t– Thatbegt!>es I Siape~ . 3. - ammattoll. The pathes of .Gnmany~~he .auraeys end ooe. F I might ohtaine theprice of the high calling, tqe pr.ice ( thatis) the wages ;_asamanthar runrres a r.ace,thereis aprice propoundedto him,& when he.hathfinifhed-the race;he obraines it,fayth he, thtsis one ofmy ends toobtaine the price: ·foit · is faidofcuo[es,Hehr~n. hehadrejftl1tothe re– compenceofreward; So;myBeloved; in this jour– ney you muft·makethisaccounr,you travaile to– wardsgrace; thatisthefcopethat youaymeat; againe y0ur endis to·fe'rue God~to fceke hisglo– ry:,thatall you-rad'ions may tend to it, & laltly, that you might be faued,thaty.ou might haue the inheritance with the Saints .. . 1 .. Now the terme from which we trav.aile is from :: Jinne, from the fervice ofSathan, and our felues, ~nd likewife it is from damnation;[o that you lhal . finde this ·difference in it, that all men; though they ~ haue but one Journeys end, yet·there are . different places, from,whichevery ofthem tra- ·: vaile;according to the different linnes, to which ; theyare inc.Jined; .fome men had need to·uavaile ': from covetoufnes; . (ome men againe, from pro- : digaliti~, thefe feemeto go contrary way-es, yet :' both•aymeatthefame journeysend,astwo ,men · that intend 'tocorne'to-Lo.nddn; oae com€S out of . Kent;another c<>me-s :out oftheNorth;thefe men feeme to go contrary, one goes·,North,and the o– ther South, yet bothagr.eeintne~r loilrneys·end) fo it is in this travaile,fome menareflih}edtobe timorous)&--difc_ouraged, an<\cowardlyin their .actions, fome menagaine to be rafh, and b0ld~ thefe men hauecontrarycourfes, yet they·· borh travaile ..