pounds fuch an end to himfelfe, . there is no man intends the defiruction ofhimfelfe•. Anfw; .I anfwer;Itis true,it is .notthe end.ofthe man,. HeHistheend butitis theen~ofthecourfe,:, as wefay,itis riot ~}~~~:~du~~n fnis operantis,but it isfiniroperis;as atheefe,that thc;mgh rhey fteale s,his end is not that he fhould .come t.o the aynte not at it gal1owes,but his endis to set profit to himfelfe, ,incheirinten. but yet it is·the fcopcofthework;though not of t~Olilt .; k h h the wor man;fo I fay in this cafe,a man that at not his aymc to ferue God, towalketoward him, .t4ough he obferue-it not, l1is ayme is dell:rueti~ ' l !on, that is the endofhis work,thatwayhewalkes N~tt. · in) leads downe to thecham6ers. ofdeath. Soyou fee) Firfr,there is an ·end~ .a termeto which every man goes; And, fecondly, ~hereisaterme from . which·every man comes. · · j ; The dHlance · Hnit.c· Thirdly; in every Iourneythere is a dilhtnce; That is~that diffimilitude betweenegraceand vs, and betwecneGod;andvs. Looke what difi:ance, >rhediflimili-· and difference thcreis between grace, and finne; tude~etvveene 1 betweenexighreoufnes an& wickedneffe, that is ·Godand vs. · the fpace that every man is to go, that is the di- .t france that he is to paffe through; [o that even as inajourny you cal:t fome part of the way behind you,and another part you are to paifevnto ; [o ·' youaretothinke in this Ioul'ney: Looke how · much victory thou getteft overany fin, fo much ·. ofthy way thouhaftpaffed. A:gaine; Looke in what meafure any finne remaines :: vnmortified, any lufl:is nor fully overcome, fo much ofthy way thou art yet to go: fo 1ikewife) it is in_the defed ofgraces,thar is the dill:arice thatthouhafr - ' to