Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

V p R I G H ' T N E s. when weobferue this rule. This is the way, this is the path-. · · Now, ifyou,aske, how one fhould find this way~ Youmullknow, that though this be the way in g-ene-rail, -yet, in particular, that which muil: teach it thee,is to confider,firfr,there is a certain traCt that Godbathmade for vs to walke in,a cer~ ta:ip.path that he hath chalked out,that which he ·harh defcribed in his \Vor4, tlut which all the Saints haue trodden beforeys,both thofethatli– ved in former times, whofe examplesarerelated to vs,and thofe that liue among vs ; Firft,there is atract that Godhimfelf bath ·made,the wayofhis judgementsarefinevejligijs~ &c~ but the way of his Commandements are2s abeaten tract, as a beaten roade ~ Away that himfelfe bath made plaine;bymany directions,bymany way-marks that qe hatbfer., ~hat men mightknowthem,and 1ikewife by the courfe ofall the Saints, which is likeabearen way that is trodden bymany thou~ fands, fi·om generation to generation, this is one thing that you are to look to,feeifyou be in that way,in the old way,inthe way that the lawleads to,in i:he way that all the Saints haue gone in. . Now further ifthe quell:ion be,well; but how .. !hall Ikeepei~~I maybe ready to mi~e this tract I anfwer; there is a -certaine fagacitie that (3odgiuestoaman, by which he findes out this · way: for though the way b.eplaine in it feJfe, · yet, it is not fo to every man·; it is hard to finde out this particular way. Thefe fteppes of G_ods Q4 Com·- .. .A,n(w: Howtofinde thepathin this journey. I By theword. z By thcexam. pleofthe Saints. ilJeft. Anfw.