-. te.rmines·vpon this way. Tberefo.r,e, when you . heare that thereis fuc hawalke, maketh~t vfe of it, ·choofe the way of Gods Comrnandements~ . Thatis,;willingiy rake that way,go it re(olmely, I How to know whether we htue~hofen fweare within thy felf; as D4vid faith, I haue fworn that J JviUftrue thee,&walke in thy way. { fay, this we tl10uld bring our hearts to, and you fhalllmow by this whether you do fo_or no: A man,that choofethaway,thatrefolues togo that Gods vvayes. way, ifhe be out ofit at any time, and be told, Sir,you are out ofthe way, he is gladof the ad– rnonition, he is willingto go intoit againe: So that,.! fay, th(}u maift kpow whether thouchoo.~ feft: t:he wayofaods Commandement s,or no, by this,what dolhhou when ar.1y fhggefiion comes frotn theholy Ghujl,that telsrh.ee,this.duty ought to be done, this fin 0nghtto be abfiained from, , -art thou obedient t0it~VVhen thou art admoni– Jhed by thy friend, ·rhat.tels thee,this is not the ,way,this is an error,this i-s .~n-obliquitie,art thou ·ready to turne out ofit-: a'rt thou glad offuch an :ad.vertifment r: When thou heareltrules given thee Gutoftheword,from day to day,fromSab– bath toSabbath,artthou willing to practicethe, when thy erroris difcovered tothee~ Itisa figne thouchoofefhheway. Letatnan refolueonthe way t-o a Coafi, to a Citie, when it is difcovered ·tOhim, that he is out oftheway,certainiy~ifitbe the way that he hath cbofen,hewil eaftly be rea- ) die,&willing to turne to it.Inde~d;this is a figne 1 aman hath chofentheway.Davtdchofetoferue '- l the Lord; and therfore whenNathan toldb.im ~fl 1us l