Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

V p R 1 G HT N_$ s• .liis adultery,and murther,hequicklyreturneda– gaine;So it is with all the Saints, it is .not fowith other men,when they·aretold ofgoing out,they go onfrill, . becaufe in truth, they haue not cho– fen the wav o£Gods·Commandements. · _; Itis not enough tochoofe it in geVfe 2. nerall,but likewi~e,you mufi loo~e to. every frep , :;~:~~ 11~;: you take,take heed to every fiepm this way.My Beloved (as you heard before) ~hereis not an aetion,but it is a fiep, it is apace in the waythat . leads, either on the one fide, or on theothcr, ei– thertowards hell,ortowards,heaven, and there- :fo re it is not enough to Iooke that you walke in ·· the way in generall, but likewife, you mufi pon- , .. deryour fieps. You fee tha~ expreffi6 Pro.4.C1ith Prov,t~ theWife-man, Ponder thyw.ayes, and order thy · il:eppes aright; ponderthywayes; .that is, aman . is toc.onfiderevery-fi:ephe takes, isthis :right r · Doth this tend towards fucha j.9UJ:neyor not~ \J"his ponderingofourwaies:iisexceedingnecef~ fary,it is that whichDavidconftantly practifed .; P{al.·t 19.. 36.1conftderedmy.w·4JC.$, that. J mighi . Pfal.H9~. 16• . turne,myfeete-to thy teftimonie·- I ,<t.onfrdered·my· _waieS::; implying that3.·.Ex<::ept a man looke nar~ , row1ytoit:, .exceptheconfider his fieppes from · time to time, except he· refleet ·,vponthe.xn, and .:. Jooke.whieh way they tend,-he will not be able . to keepe the wayes ofGods C0mmandements.--.. . Why,butisitnece!rary·thata ma.n·muflthinke ,!flffcjl~-· : vpon everya~ion what his,· end~5 when'a man is bufie inhis fi:udie,when he isbufie in histrade, . •when-he is.bufieq in~his partic}.llar calling, is it · necelfary_ ' '