Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

.A,n(w. Howfarre it is necclbryin evcryadion tothinkeof . theend. Simile. ' ' OF MANS necelfariethat every particular action ihould be looked vpon, that hee fbould haue this actuall thought,whither doth this frep tend ~ .I anfwer; It is not necelfarie, that-it ihould be done vpon every action,b!Jt that it fhould be fo farredone, as is necelf;, to keepevs in the rightparh,even asyoufee,it is in ajourney,when aman refolues to go from one towneto another, he thinkes not every fiep he takes, I am going to fi1ch .1 towne: for, by venue ofhis fidJ: intention ~ he takes thefe freppes: fo that the marke and the ayme that he hath is the caufe of every frep; though hethinke notofit in every fl:cp he takes: So in the actions that we do, I fay,ifthe ayme be right, though wethinke not vpon ev.ery action, we do,yetitis done by vertue ofthe firfl:intemi- - on:andfo Godacceptsofit.As,wefee,an Arrow _when it flyes to the marke,or a Bowle, when it runs, rhere is not a new putting on, but by venue ofthe firfr frrength by which it was thrown out,· or bywhichir was fhot, pa.ifeth,and goes on to– wards the mark; fo it is in a mans life: by \1ertue ofthe firfraime that aman harh,thoughr he think not ofir,vpon every parricularoccaii6,his heart goes on, hetravailes towards the marke: there– fore) fay,itisnot neceffary ineveryaction. Not withfianding, it is neceffary, that it be very fre– ·quentlydone: becaufeweareforeadytogoout ofthew;1y, There is a fl:raight way,thatGodhath chalked outtovs, and we are ready ever and a– non,io turne out, we haue frill fome by as, or O· ther~vpon vs~thatdrawcs vs out from that way. Ei.. -