• V p R r o H T N :& _s. 1'7 Either fome falfc feares, or fome vaine hopes, or fome fancy,andinordinate appetite,fomething, or other drawes vs out, that except-a man look verynarrowlyto!t, except heb~ever and anon refleeting vpon hts wayes,. he wl11 not keepe the way,therefore itis necdfary,that we be .frill confidering,and ponderingourwayes,andfo much the rather,becaufe as theApofile fayth)Knowyou not,that many run in aracer As ifhe fhould fay, all the world travai:les toward heaven,every man goes fomething that way:therefore,faith he, take heede; there are but a.few notwithfranding, that get the goalc,thatgetthe price, few thatobtaine, few that overcome:therefore, faith he, take heed· ·how yourunne. So,I fay,thereis much heed to Note. be taken in this-race, many go out ofEgypt~ manythat go from finne a certaine way, but they never come toCanaan,theywalke acertaineway in the Wilderneife, .but they -come not home•. Thertore to direct: you in it,youmull:knowthis; that there is a length in this way,there is a reditude,.andafiraightneffe in this way,and thirdIy, thereis,acertaine breadthin thisway. There is a Alcngtbin lengdi'inthis-way,&therforeyou mufigo hall:i- Godswayes. lyinit, you mufl: runt heway ofGods Commande: ment.sas Da~id[ayth· : for there isa length-in it ). thatIs ;it wlll not he difpatched \-vith -arreafie · pace. G o D requires every man to make haft .in · ,it,hemufr quicken his pace in the w_ayt@ heaven., Now the caufe why men goon flowly in this way) is fr<?til halting; bccaufe they halt in_this ~a~:.~n other paces fometimes wegrowtlo:~r ) .