' V p R I G H T N E s. . "without iamen~lfe, and both feet mufl: be in the :way. Whena manis.thusdifpofed, he runs the wayes of Gods . Cotnmandements; Labour. to find what is·the caufe ofthy halririg, and of thy· flackneffe, jfit be worldly mindednes, the way to q!licken theein.thy·pace,is toweane thy heart from theworld; ifthis be the caufe that makes thee flacke, and dull and heavie, and indifpofcd to prayer,and to ,other holy duties, ( fomething : thou doeft,& thou goeft in thy way, hut !.lowly, , anddi1lly,)that is theway to heale it: · And fo a– gaine,if it be fome fl:rong lufr; be it whatitwill ' _he,that caufeth thee to halt,and to go flowly>On, ,healethat&thou!halt be able tO•r.un thewayes of G~ds C6mandements.Davidcalsit all:taight-– ning when-he could notrun.Therfore,fayth he, Lflut!lrunthewayes ofthy ·commandements, when thouhaftin!argedmy heart.Thatis.;Everyluftis a firaightning, t~e removing ofltgiuethalib€rtie to the heart,every:lufi: isas·fetters, and iliackles "diat firaiten the fpirit, that ar:e a bondage to the 'f.pirit, that take away the libertie of the fpirit: . Therefore the removing~f the lufr~ whatfoever itis,that{ets thee free,(asit were)and·when thou - art free,and at libertie, when there is ·no impedi- . ment, .thou art able to··run the way_es of Gods · · Commandements. . .The fecond is, there is·afitaigntnes intliisway thereis noway.that leads to ,any place,.. but it 'is flraight :for ifitwere crooked; it-would ·not .~ead to thatplace. Sothatevery walke everycer– ~~aine walke, is ll:raight, fo arethe.wayes ofGorJs. Cam.. Lullslike (et.i ters•. Godswayer , ftraighr:. · .