Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

' V p R I G H T N E s. alittleexpreffei~ to you,' lacob when he would go about,&norkeep~ the fira:ight way,when he would make h~fl: to get tlile bleffing:, it was a go– ing out fromGods wayes; was it not a going o– bout to his happineffe ·~ You know, !wwmany yeares trotible it coft him. So Davidwhenhe would go out ofthe way, in his Adultery, and murthe r-, did he not go about towards his bap– pines~ VVas he not an exceeding greatloofer by it~ You know how much it cofr him,what great afflictios hehad,thc[wordnever departtdfromhu houft; what great trouble, being call: out of his Kingdome by A6fa!om?&c: that was agoing a– bout to his happineffe~ So this is a fure rule:if there be any crookednes in a mans wayes to– wards·God,i t is agoingabout to ha.ppines. And{q A(a,his heart was perfec1 all his dayes. But when he was ·out o£thewaies ofGod, when he fi:epped out ofthefe wayes, & made to his feete cro9ked . paths,did he not go about for his owne happi- . nes? The Prophet comes, and telshim, Afa,be- ,·caufethou hafidone this, from hence thou jhalt htttte warre: thecafe was thi£, eA fa woJJ.ld needs feektothe King ofAj[yria,&the King9fDamaf .. , tt/1· fm~ heli.,e, it was a fin full policy inhim,it was agoingabout, he fbould haue kept the-frraighr– way) and haue-trufi:edGodwith it, but when he would do this,when he was crooked inhis waies it was a leading about to his happines, the Pro– phet comes& tels him,the hofi: ofthe King ofA– ramfhould efcape outof his hands~ and likewife he fhould haue warrc all his time, and fo hehad R much 101. Infiances of fiepping out of Gods waycs.