Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

\ V p R I G H T 'N E s. :~h~nkethatthe neareft way,yet he fuall find that · .he goes about. Leta man thinke with himfelfe, 'bydeclining,! mayefcapefucha trouble,fuch a · ftraire,fuchadifadvantage,thatwill befall other men:perhapsthou mayeft,hutyet I fay,thougo– efr about, thou art no gainer bythis, it ihall be paid thee home inarrerages,thou lhaltloofeitin the long race,thou !halt find that hethargoes the . plaineway, fhallcome before thee to thy jour– -neys end,to happine!fe thatwe ~dlayme at; that ' is certaine fri11, he that keepes the right way, he takes the ffiortdl way to happines,he that thinks l1erakes a wifercourfethen God, and therefore will decline thofe troubles, by winded wayes, .' that another brings vpon himfelfe by keeping the plaine way.J fay,he lhall find himfelfe decei– , ved,he goesabouttowards his happineffe. ;· La11:1y; as there is a length in this way, and a , fi:r1ighrndfe in it, fo there is a breadth in this . way, there isalatitude,acertaine proporrionall . breadth. The way to fome man is broader then to orhers,andto thefameman theway infome , places is broader,infome narrower. The Iewu way was narrower, then ours, there is a Chrifl:i– anliberty that hathinlarged this way and made it fomewhat broader to walke in : fot, as·the E:hrifi:ian libtrtie is more, fo likewifeis theway broader~ We,hauemore liber,tie then theJeJves had in many things, we are. thatyoke ofbondage, that frritt obfer:vatioh of Mofaicall Ceremonies. And fo againe, Ifay, one C hrifti– an hath a narrower way then another; that as, a R z inan 203 ! -1 Note. Abr~dcbin Godswayes T&eway · broldtl'tOvs, theAtothe Ievves.