Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

VPRIGHTNES. manbefound out ofthe breadth ofthis·way,that is, it he take more libertie then he.ought ( for it is profitable for vs to know both our liberty,and .our refiraim, ) he ihaU find Hill fome miferie, .orothercomevpon him, take heede therefore, lcafl: Godmeetethee out ofthe way at any time; as he fayd toEliah, What doeftthouheret! What makefr thou here Elitth?indeed it was his fault, (when Godhad beene with him fo mightily and had given rayne at his defire, and wrought fuch miracles, to fend fire from Heaven to confume rhefacrifices, and 2fter to flay fo many Pro– phetsof Baal: )fora wordof.Zezabel, a weake Woman, to runne from her fo many miles, as far re as his feete could carry him, it proceeded _from timoroufneffe, and feare: God meets with him,and faith,What doeft theu hereEliah 1 What makeit thou here~ As ifhe fhould fay; thou art out oftheway.Though the Lorddealt merciful– lyvvithhim, yet it was his fault, he was ollt of the way,fomctimes feare puts vs out of the way and fometimes againe otherp~lfiions, as Hagar went outofher way fi·om her miO:ris(as \Ve f.::ein the Chapter before theText)Hagar Sarahs maid, whencecommejlthou? And whither goefrthou? cen.I6.I8. Wherewefee he puts her in minde ofthatdutiefhedid owe toSarah, of that parti– cular calling fhe was in; As ifhe fhould fay; Ha- .· gar dofi thou rememberwhatthou an?doftthou remeberwhat particular callingthouartin~ Art thou not sarahs maid?thou fbouldfi: beabout S4rahs bulines,what dofi thou here in y Wildernes R 3 · runOut'C'lremull be: tobe found inGodJvvaycs,