• "P .R I G HT NE S• .Be!oved,knowthis,thatthe Cloud, asit was a direcrion to them,fo it"WaS aprotection 1ikewifc, they neve.r.followe.d the Cloud~ hut theywere fafe,the ClQud wasa defence to themwherefoe· • vertheywent :Aswefee,EftJ45·The Lord will .create vpon every placeofMount Sion,andvponthe aj[embliestherof, aCloud ,offmokeby .day, & ajhi. ningf!ame 8 f ftrcby nightfor vpoall th'eglory there jhaObeadeftnce.lntheVerfesbefore he hadfaid, he would lead them hy the Spirit, this leading of the fpirit he compares to the leading ofIfrael in theVVildernes,as theywere led.with the Cloud, fo iliall you,andifyou follow the Cloud, it fl1all be adefence to you;fo,I fay,walke \vithG"dand hewill be adefence to you: it is no matter what the waies are,he is able to beare y0uout: for fafe– tieis apart ofyour wages, therfore that belongs tohim, your buftnes is nothing, but to find out what your way is,& to walke in it,thecar.eofthe worke belongs to you, and the other is not your care: therefore. (to fhut vp this exhortation) learntodo this,to pray,that Godwould fhcwyon his wayes, that he will incline your hearts, that he wil teach you,as he doth theAnts,&theBeu, and not onely fhew you the wayes you are to walke,but giue you afecretinfrigation,and incli... · nation to them, and ifyou feekc him, and your hearts bevpright and depend vpori him, he will ·{hewyouthe path that you areto walke in: vpon thatC·"ndition, that your hearts be fincere, and vprighr.Againe,letvs depend vpon him,that we may fcektohim,&truftin him,& hewilfhewvs the way. R 4 · And .;tn(Jv. Godw1'nbe a Cloud for defence and dirc6l:ionto them that fol , lowh,m, Ifay.of.). · Safetie apart ofourwages.