Having round: theway,we muft runne•. 01:11'pacein· Godswayes. muft anfwcr urmcanes•. Simile... And, asweareto feekethe-way, fowe mu!l: run it, and not be flow,and ilacke in it,but runne the w.ty, ofGods Commandements; thatis; go a– pace. Nowevery ,mans paceis-according to -his meanes, and his abilitie; according to the might • thatGodhathgiven him:for that may deceiue vs; Amaamaythinkhe goesfafi,when he goes but flowly;becaufe it is not according to-his ability. As,you kn6w,atall manwhenhedothbutwalk he goes much fall:er thenachild whenhe runnes and yet he goes but flowly; becaufe it is not ac;;. ,cording to his-abilitie. Beloved, our walking is fafterodlower,according to the fevcrall meanes and fl:rength that Godhath given to every one of vs: fome man hath a larger vnderfianding, hath more grace,.more experience,better.education then another: he muftrunne fafter, he mull: do muchmore good in his owne perfon, he mull: be more fteq11ent &fervent.in holy duties, he muft be more diligenr-indrawing others to God;ano– ther,_ that hath received leffe, though he go a flower pace, yet itmay be running to him, when · the former-doth but walke: So; in every parti– cular; A rich man that giues fo much,it is but a ' flow pace to ,him, whenanother, that ispoore, _ giues leffe,and that is aquicke pace tohim. And fo in like cafes.Therefore,Ifay,let V·S choofe out ' theright way, let vs pray to Godio-direct vs, to · : frlewittovs, vponev-eryoccafion, that we may : notrnilfeit.And1etvs notonly walke, hutlet vs walkeapace,and tunrhewayofGods Comman-– de_ments.Somuch for this firft Vfe. THE ;