!IO V{e2, ·No man to be judgedby fome particu. lar ad'ion. 1 Judgingof menbyone ortwoatl:ions condemnetb the righteous and juilifietli thewtcked, fo, if there be this Similitude betweene them; why, then let no manjudgeofhimfelfe, or of o– thers,by a fl:ep,or two;let him not judge ofhim. felfe,I f:1y,byafew actions, but let aman confi– der,what his walke:is; Walke before me andbeperfiE1: Let aman confider what t~e ordinary, and vfi1allcourfeofhis life is:ifyou fhould do other. wife,ify,ou judge a'man by an action ortwo,you fhall fee,the befl: ofthe Saints haue bin fubject to diversfailings, you fhall fee NBahdrunke,and you lhallfee Lotcommittingincefi, you ihallfee Mofes fpeaking vnadvifedly with hislippes, you fhallfee Davjdcommitting murrher,and adulte– rie,&makingVriahdrunke, manyfuch faylings you fhall fee in all the Saints, you lhall fee Heze– kiah boafi:inggfhis treafure,you !hall fee :pavid numbringhispeople,&c. So that,ifyoujudge ofmen byafew actions, and not by their con– ftant comfe, you fhall condemne the generation ofthe juft. Againe,itis as true on the other fide,ifyou will judgea wicked man·by a few fi:eps, and not by his ordinary courfe, you {hall be as ready to jufiifiethe wicked;youfhall find cainfacrificing you1hall findsaut among the Prophets, you fhall feeJudas among the Difciples,you !hall fee Herodentertaining IohnBaptijl,you!hallfee him heare him gladIy,doingmany things at his prea– ching~andadmonition, this you fee frequent, & vfuall: Therefore,I fay, we are not to be judged bya£ew aCtions, & a few paces, butby thecon– fl:anttenorofour life, bywhatwedoin ordin~- ry, , •