Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

V p R l G H T N E s. ry,and vfuall'eour[e:forthere is no man fogood but he may haue fome fwarvings,though hehaue ch0fen thewayofGeds Comandements,yet oft he may mi1fe that way, he may oftenhe drawne out ofthe way,hemay:ofre be .tranfported with. fome fl:rongremptatio.Again,on the other fide, there is fcarce :my man fo ba:d,but fometimes he mayco-me into the way·: you haue men that haue no cnnfrant place to travaile to,yet,for a:fit,they may goe into the high way, as atheefe, or. rob;. ber may doe. Therefore, let vs lcarne hence not t:o judge our owne ell:ate, or other mens~ or ceni. n1re either o.ur felues or othersby:a fe\vaCl:ions :: And I hauethisground for it, that you inay fee thereafon ofthe rule. Amansc6ftant courfepro ceeds from the inward root,and frame ofhis dif– pofition, from thofeprinciples thatareingrafted inhim, IJay; his confiant courfe.proceeds from it.Thofe i:1meby.fcapings out, whether theybe t0good,orevill,they doe not proceedfrom the frame ofthe heart,bnt from the evil that is in ~die · good, and from thofe good things that may be •.inthe-evill.You !hall fee it fo innature:Take a ri• ver,Jerit bed·ammed; anclll:'opped vp,,yet ifthe courfe.ofit b-e namra11;ifthe vent, and ll:ream1 ofit be to go-downeward,'. atthe length it will over- beare thedamme,.and will runneQ:Ver it; or let wat.erth-at is.fweete, be made brackiili,,by the comming itl ofSalr-water;yer,ifnarurally it . be fweete ;at the lengthit wHl workeit out; fo,-·I .fayiris with every man,looke what the confiant ftr~ame ofh~s difpofirionis,look whattheframe . • ' / of Note• TheeonOant coorre oflife.. comes from jnw~rd prin– ciples. Note. SJmile•