V pRIG HT NE s. . 2, IJ w3s firong but it was but for a time,and fo he re- -turned to his old co11rfe.- Thelike in the cafe ofVzziah, he was hemmed in for a time, with Zttchariah th.e Prophet, but,. fay; th the text,a fter his dayes, his heart was.lifed vp to defirucrion. And fo Htrod, he kept within compaffe, he was fiirred vp t? do many things .at the preaching ofJohnBaptift,but he did notalwayes continue : for Godfo difpofeth-it, in his Note. providence, hewill not fuffer evill men a1wayes · to haue thefe outward occafions ofgood;As itis as ttue, on the other-fide, good men may have .frrong temptations,tHat maytranfportthem'for .·a fit, but Godwill not fufferrhem alwayes to lye · vponthe godly,he willt;tot!uffera temptation of affiitl:ioJhewit notfajfer the rodofthe wickedto lie . alwayesvponhim,itm_ayfora time, and hemay i:for a fit,put out hishandto wickednes,hemayvp- ' on fome exigent,vpon afudden,when he is putto · ir,:vpon fome outward trouble, or croffe,when hisheartis!haken, ·anddifiempered, when' he is: not himfclf, but God[odifpofeth ofit in hispro– vidence, that they fl1all not alway lye vpon him,.. butthey ilialJ be removed in due feafon;as wel as thehelps.togood fhal betak}nf.mm the wicked.·. So,you fee, that may come to patfc fot a. few freps,for p,artofthe Journey., anevillmanmay go right,<and agood man may fweruefrotn the firaight way:Therefor·e,letvsneither judge our felues,norothers byit:forifwe fh9tdd,wefhould· jufiifiethewicked,and conclemnethegeneration ofthe jufi. So much fhall ferue for this Vfe,and' .for.this point. The ___ _;,_ ___ ~