Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

, ' Dou. None but perfefrmea baue interdl in Godr.AU. fuffirieneie. Reafon 1 ~ Elferhere would se more power inold .4tlam, to coll'muni – cate fin,then in the new te inqillgrace• . , Thenext,and maine poynt,that we intended, • ·was this; That Whofoeverhath intereftinG<Jds Alljuffi. tiencie,muft!Je aperfetl mar;~ That is; Hemufr be finccre, he mu.ll: haue in– tegritie of heart; though he may b~ fubjcct to many infirmities, yet Godrequires this of him ;, If I beAl'-folficient,faythhe,toany man(thatis the fcopcofit) hemuft be perfea with me: lam Afl.fufficient,rherfore'be thoi;t perfea, otherwife thou haft no interefi in this A!ljttjficiency of mine. The poynt is cleare,and it is a poynt well known toyou, I ihall not need to confinne it by . any other places ofScripture, but rather fpend the time firfrin giuing you the grounds of it:And fecondly,in ihewing to you whatthis intireneffe,. -and perfection and linceritie ofheart is. • Firfr,I will fhew the grounds why no man fhall. be faved,nor ever hane part in this Allfkfficien. : .cieofGod,cxcept he beperfett,except he haue in. tegritieofheart. . Firfi; bccaufe the newAdam fl10uid otherwife : not be fo effeduall as the old; the new<Adam , fhould not befo powerful to communicate grace and life, as the old !.Adam is to infiill corruption and fin ;for the fin,that hath bin conveyed to vs .· by the firft t:Adamharh no integritie in it,it bath gone over the whole foule, there is a wholebudj ofdeath, that bath poffelfed vs ; Now if there fbouid notbe in thofe redeeming actiosby C~rift acomrarieintegritie, and perfedion,athrough~ outholines, (as Imaycallit.;') Theplaill:erthen fhould