116 ·thsugh not in degrees in :thidite. : Reafon 3· ElfeGods Commands fhonld' be im· poffible. . wants any part ofperfecti6,thoughir be ripened w~1en it warn-s the roote,andprincipie, when tfie frame, & fi'rfi: difpofirion is not right, 1et it grow vp never fo faft)it will neuer be perfecr: So this is true ofthe 'works ofRcdemption,ofthc works ofGod~n amans hean,of defiroy!ngthe workes of Sathan, •md fetting vp a new building; which istheworke ofIeftto· Chr~{l,&the end,for which he came ; I fay, this is true ofit, it is perfed, it wants ondy growth. As you may fay, iris a per– fecrfeed,when it is ripe it wil be a perfect flower or it is a perfect pia nr, · when it growes .vp, it will beaperfect tree, it is perfeet in all refpeds. Such a perfeCtion is in the workes ofRedempti– on,and,ifthe heart ofman be not entire, if the worke ofgrace be not throughout, if there be a defect in the principle,& conil:itution ofit, there ihouldbeadefect in the workes of Redemption,, which indeed cannot be, . Thirdly;ifthere were nota perfectnes ofheart wroug·ht in all thofe that f11ould be faved, the commands ofthe Gofpdl !Mould be commands of impoffibiiitie: for the Gofpell requires at our hands, that we f110uld haue re_j}el"f to alltheCom· mandement.r, that we ihould keep rhewhole Law in an Evangelicail manner; that is in a true inde– vour; theGofpell requires that weiliould loue theLordour GodwithtJ.fl ourhettrts, forthetruth ofit; It requires,(in a word)that we iliould keep the wholeLaw, in that fence,fo as to fquare our Hues-to it; to keepe it in all truth, and finceritie, though we.cannot reach the hig-heft top, and degree