V p R I G · H T' N E s. ·grceofit ;Now if the he::trt were not peifettly ·holv,thatis, chroughom, therecould be nopro– portion betw,·enetheCommandemepts, and the facilidc al1 i abilidevpon wh1ch~e Co~mat:Jdemn t l ye~: for itis ·certaine, except the heart wereperfetHy holy,~tcould not keepc the whole Law,there were ani npoffiblilitie,we fhould not reach every Commandement. And therefore, there mufi be integritie and intirene!fe in the hearr, that we m1ybe able to keepe them, at the leafiin an Evangelicall fineere .manner, though we cannot perfedly keepe t'he whole Law of God. Fourt'hly,it is required:hecaufe otherwifethere fhould not.be a~orrefpondencie,and agreement between theCovenant onGods part,and ·on ours: Godhath fayd,hewill be AU ... Ji.tfficient,but he re– quires thisagaine,on our parr,thatwe'be altoP'e_– ther his) c...My Beloved is mine, and I am his, ~d Ffal. r 8.1wi!lw.'llkeperfefl!y with themthat1va!ke perfel!ly with me )thereare the termes ofthe Co– venant,theLordwill haueitthus farre vpon even termes, therefhall bean integritie on both fides, · and therforeifa man be holy but by halues,that makes not themarch, it makes not the agreement . betweenethe Lordand v~: for alland halfe isnot a match, butall, andall is that which make~ the match,the agreement and {btableneffe betweene Godand vs,; and thiS is another reafonwhy it is req~ired. · ' . Now lall: ofall, thispe'rfedion, and integrity • is required: becaufeorherwife, all that we do is S nothing There is a proportion betweene a perfc:d: he:trt, and GODS Commande ment.• Etre tMCo· venantvvere not mutuall betweene God and vs. Pfal,18~ Rea[. 5': Allisnothing chatV9c: doe without this.