i I thth.6. I , Note• M AN s nothing,itis to no purpofe: for except youfeeke theLord,?nd ferueth(t Lord\virh a perfect heart, you ferue hiin nor ataH,you cannot feme him as _ God, you cannot ferue him-as a-M-aller, you cannor ferue him as aLord;asa foveraigne comman– der,except your hearts be perfect with him:This reafon Itake Ollt of Mat.6.a place well knowne, NomancanferuetwoMafle.rs . Thatis; Itistrue; a woman may Ioue many as friends, bur ilie·can loue buroneas a husband: A tl)anmay looke to . manyfubordinare ends_, but he can hauc but one v.lrimate end: Aman may haue ref1)eds, he may .affect many things in a remiffe manner, but to af– fect: many things in the higheft degree, it is im– poffible,ir can be be.fiowed bur vpon one: Ther · fore,J fay, to .ft:rue him as God, it can,not be> ex– ccptthe heart be wholly be.fiowed on him; if , you will take in any thing with him,either credit orprofit~or pleafurc,now you makeGodan Idol, . and you makethatasa God; fothat whatfoevera man Ioues-,and-refpecrs orobeyes :I would aske him but this quefiion; Either it commands the fame thing wirhGod; when it commands vnder N 6 te. . him, andfo,in yeeldingtothat, you obeyGoi himfelfe, or elfe it commands fomewhat diffe– rent,& fo,in yeelding to that,¬ to the Lord, you reject him,andtakethat for God. Therefore, I fay ,the heart mull: beperfed,or el[e the obedi– enceis nothingatall.So much ihallferoeto !hew you the grounds ofthis, why fuch a perfection, and finceritie and integritie of heart, is required in all tl1ofethatihall be faved . But