• V p R I G H T N E s. Zti9 But the chicfefi bufineffe will be here; to fhew you what this imegritieis: the bdl: WJ,Y to fin de i t our, isw open to you all thofe exprefiions in the Scriptures, bywhich it is prefenred to vs, & you lhall find them to bethefe fiue ,: And in the opening ofthcm, we fhallfufficiemly fhew you~ what this fi ncritieor perfection ofheart is. Firfi,you fhall find it often exprcffcd,bypurity, andfoundnetfe., Bl~lfedare thept~,re in heart, and rGodisgood to Ifrael, even to them th.'lt !lre ofapttre . heart. Nowwhatis ittobepure ~ Thatispure, which is full ofitfclfe, andh~1th no other Hete– rogeneall thing mingled with it; So,that heart is pure, which harh no finne in it, which is holy, which hath a renewed qualitie ofgrace, which bath an imvard regenerate man, that will mingle with no fin, rhat isfull ofit felfe, and admits not the mixture ofany finne. My Beloved, I muft be warilyvnderfrood here, I fay, it admits not the mixtureofany fin. It is true, finmay cleaue, and adheretoa rnan,4.s .droffedothtothe filver,but it mi nglesnot with ·the regenerate part, nor that mingles not with it; that is, it enters not into the . frame andconfiitutionofamansheart, it is not weaved into the textureofhis heart; it is no ingredient into the very frame, and fabricke ofir, but though finbethere, yet the heart fiiilcafi:s it out of it felfe,it reftfisit, and rejects it, and pu– rifiethand cleanfeth itfelfefrom ir,this properly is a pureheart:As in otherrhings;yoofay a thing is pure,whel!litis folid,and cleare,and vnmixed, though it may haue fomedroffe, and fo:ne mud S 2 cleaving What li ·ceri.. tie & vpright · nesis. ' Sinc~itie·fet ··. forth !.y fiue expreffioas. I Puritieand loundndlc. Puricie what Note.