Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

220 cleavingtoit,youfay, itispuregold, when it is digged out ofthe mineral,though therebe J!luch droffe in it,and we fay, itisapure ayre,though, fora time, there be many foggesandmifis; and adventitious vapottrs within it. So; we fay, itis pure water,though ther be many inundations of mud cafi: into it, or that come fr'om the fpring,or ' Channellfromwbenceitrunnes;Soa manmay be faid to haueapurehearr,that is,aperfec'Theart though th,:?re be an adheJio ofmuch-droffe,many evil thoughtsthatdeauero him, yet, Il:1ythey minglenot with him,that is,Beloved:)tis certain, that the holieft men ·haue a fou ntainf. of originall )corruption in them, and from this founr-ainefins ·– . I arife continually, . as the fcumme inthe pot, but · kpureheart .f h 1. b d d •t · b . h uftsoudin, yet, 1 t e 1quor· epure an goo , 1 1~ c ng t ·taspureljquor 1 wine, or right bony, whatfoever the liquor is, dothfcumme. I though the fcumme arife,1till itpurifies it felfe, & cans it our;t.his is thepropertie ofapure heart: with theimpure it is quire contrary, thefctimme arifeth as in the other, but it is fodden in; it is mingled& confoundedwith it, there is not fuch afegregaring, fucha d eanfingdifpofition in it, , &:ek,1<J·Il; . hut thereiSamixingOf them together this:fimili– tude you fl1all findE.z.,e k . 24. rz.whcnce I take it,{be weariedherfelfewith lyes~&c.AtJdhergreat. fcimtme went not out ofher. There is a fimili-· tude going before ofa 6oyling jlbt, into which mw:h :fleih was pur, to wbich he compares the children ofiJrael ofthat rime,burthisis rheconclnfion that GlJd makes, lier greatfcumme.went 1 n,otoutif,her;Asifhe flJouidfay,itis verytrue, , I 1• e