• V p R I G H T N' E s. the holiefi men haue their fcumme rifing in their . heartsjas well as the wickedefi men)but,faiththe Note. Propher,hcreis the difference, her greatfcumme went not out ofher: That is, though it arofe, and inight haue beenecaft Qut,it was n0tfo,hut was fodden in,and mingled together. And therefore faithhe,herfcum fhallhe co;fumedwith fre. That is,G(Jdwilldeale with her,as we do with pottage when thefcum is foddeninto them, we cafithem in the fire~ and the reafon is given in the words · following ;for I would hauepur<~edthee, but tiHJU .wouldejl not hepurged, therefore thoujbalt not 6ee ' :purg(dfro thy jilthines,t1U I hauecauftdmy wrath ·.lolightvponthee: Asifhe fhouldfay,Iput my Wordto thee,whichisas fire,Ivfed fuchordi– nances, and meanes, I withheld none of t.hem, .and with thofe I would haue purged thee, not by~heinward purifyingworke ofthe fpirit: for that could not efficacioufly be refi!l:ed; but I would haue purged thee, that is, my Word is as fre; It is afegregating thing, that differenceth, and puts a feparation between the fcum, and the liquor, as that indeed was the end ofthe Pro- . phets; tofep~trate thepreciotufrom the vile. Now, fltith theLord, when thefe meanes were vfed, when thou hadftthe Prophets that would haue feparated the precious from the vile, in thy heart as well as to do it in the companies ofmen: See– ing this had no fruit, nor effect v.pon thee,but fril thy fcum,& filthines continued in thee,and thou waft not purged :therefore, I will defi:roy thee, thou £halt never be purged, but my wrath fhall " s 3 light . ' I t •