Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

F -2'---2..-~~I i light on thee: SO,t11YBeloveditisnor the havino impurities inthe heart, that makes the h~;Irtim~ perfect, (that is the conclulion I grow to) but it is thefuffering ofthem to. be mingled, even with. !tisnotha. ving impuri.. tiesriliilg in the heart tbat makesitim .. perfea,but the inward frame ofthe heart•. -. .the-abiding – ofthem. -- Tl~us yo~ fluall find, ifyou w6uld know the true difference betweene a pureand p-::rfecl, andan impure and vnpe-rfeCl: heart,.it frands onely in thjs .;hethat hath a pure heart, there is in him a denfing,and pm:ifying,a fegregari~g difpofirion - that cafl:s out ~hatfoever evill comes, though it be continually rifing, ,yet frill he caQsit out, · thoughhebefrill falling into fome finne~yet friU he is- repeming,th04gh·ma_ny times he be mired, yet frill he wafheth himfdfe .againe, he cannot endure it, hecloth -not,.as the fwine,dclightin it; but he hath another, a contrary difpofition, be · frill clenfeth himfelfe fi·om it:: That I take to be tht meaning ofthat, Mat. 1 5.where it isC1id, That mhich comesfromwithin the man,as adultery ,for– nication,&c.theydefile theman. Themeaning is this, when fin rifeth in a man from day to day, if · · he cheri{h fin, and enterraine it,'-and fuffer fi nnes todwell and abide in·his heart quietly, wirhom, . difrurbance, ifhe fufter them to be fodden in, as, · i~ were,now they defile the h,eart: Butiffinnes a~ rife ih the hean~ . a-ndhecontinually -refill;them_;c - he cominuaHy caft them forth, he continually clenferh,apdr.~rifieth himfdfe fi·om them; fuch~ a man is not defilec{ with them; nords his minde. • ddiled,nor his confcience defiled; but not with-:. ftanding tqis continuall Ebullition of evils (that , I ~,