Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

, ; V P R I G H T N E Se - --- ---·---~_, ______ rmayfo-callit) heisa m~m o_f a pure heart, and withGodandthis,Ifay,. is one oftheexprdlio.ns ofpurene.Jfe. · .And fo likcwifefoundnes,when a mah ts found at .the heart,thatis another expreffio nofthis per– fednes. N~wa thing is faid to be found (as an Apple youknow,isiayd to be found, when.itis not-rotten at the core, though there be many fpecks in it; and a Ship is iaid to be found, when there is no leake,init, though it may hauc fome other flawes anddefeCts; And a veffell is !:1id to be found) when there is noclift in the bottom, though it may oth~rwife be bruifed& b~ttered, y-er, you fay,it is a found Udfell )I fay, foitis in this-caf~,when:the bottom ofthe heart, and the inward frame ·oftheheart is right and found': Though a man be fubject to many fJylings, yet this 'is a perfect man, .he hath a found heart-; whereas on the othedide, take ~ man, my Be– loved, (that we m~y fhew yqu what this rot– tenneffe at heart is) \vho doth admit a conftant negleCt of;mydutie,or :m ordin~uy commiffion pfany finne,fuchaman·may pn:!perlybe[aid to haue a }take in the bott"on1 of his heart, to be rotten-hearred, to be vnfound a_t the bottom; But aman,thar,though he beft1bject to infirmi– ties,yet had rather die rben omitaknowrrcdutie, ono beinaknowneftn, I fay, this man, rhoug1 1 hehaue many infirmities, yethe bath a ,found heart: And the reafon ofit is this,becaufe fuch a man although he hauefome weaknes,fome lick. neffe, and infirmitie hanging vpon him, yet he S 4 will , VnCOOndhc-ar· ; ted,vvho. \I