OF MANS _z_z_+_l i will grow it out,as one that is found in' his bowHypocrifte commonly, difcorcred be. rfO(C de:.th. I ~ · Simplicuie: . ;eJs will weareout hisftckneife, and diftemper, as it isfaid,iftheinftde he cleane~the outfide will fol– low: Ahd thatis true, on the other ftde_, let the. · inftdcbero~ten;though there be afaire & ::r gol– den out fi:de,as in an Apoftle oft times,that faire– nes doth not continue long, -but rottenne!fe wiW potfeifethe outfide alfo;Thatwe fee often1n experience,&you fhallfeldome fee it _otherwife; (I thinke there is fcarce an example ofit)but that an . hypocrite,a man ofan vnfound heart,though he ,may carry a faire ilicwlong, yet,in the end, even theoudide !ball be tooke ~way; that flull vanW1 alfo,and rottenndfe fliall feize vpon it:forthat i:s · thenature ofthingsj .thatarevnfound,they fl:ay not there,l?utthey putrifie, and corrupt more&·: . .more;Sothat,you fee throughout the Scriptures . .frill thofe that w~re of irnperfect heart; that is, that had vnfound :hearts, they were difcovered'· , beforetheir death; as Amaziah-was 1 .heheldout -; long, and fo was JcMfo,.anddiversothers; Jfis;a ·· rule, Ithinke, that fcldome failes: bccaufe God hath£1id;·hewillcurfethenam( oftliewicked,and : itJba!lrot. No'w excepttheirhypocri(y fhouldbe · difcovered-intim~, and that rheir,outfide, :were removed;andmadeas rotten as the infide, how ihould his namerot~ Somuch {hall ferue for this firft expreffion, thadt,is expreifed by pu.rcrJejfe and formdnejft ~ SecondIy; yqu flull haue it expreffed by Jim· plicitie,and finglenes ofheart;he,whofe heartis , pprftct 6eforeGod,he isfaid,Mat. 6 .to baueajingk I eye:; 1 ,