• V --pRIGHTNES. eye;~rid Jam.r.h~thatisim_perfe_disfaid to be a Iam. 1• double mindedman, contrary ~o which is &,i\;;,, . aman that hath a fimple heart, a heart without guilc, and fingle heart. Now, ifwe can finde out what this finglendfe ofhea,rt is ;this finglenes of eye,and ofhearr,youwill find.out this pcrfeeti..· ' ' ' on,that is here fpokenof,Walkebefore me,and6te tliou perfe8. Nowa fingle heart is focalled from the !ingleneffe of theobject, that is a jingle eye, thatlookes but vpon one objett;and that is a fin- Heardingte gle hearttflat lookes:hut vpon 'One thing:likewife and double. that is ado;tb!eeye, and adot~Ueheart, that lookes vpe>n two objeers, and is divided.betweenetwo,:. aAd knowes nott,whichto choofe; like aman that ·. is in6ivio-, in adouhleway,he fiands,and lookes . opboth, and knowes not \vhichtotake;foanimperfect: hearted man,an vnfound hearted man,he·· 'fiands,andlookes vponGod,andvpon the world and he knowes not well which to choofe, fome--· ti1i1es he is following the one, :fomedmes theo– ther, this is His Condition, he is difiract:ed be- . tweene borh,fuch aman hath a doubleey'e,and · therefore·£1yth the Text, awickedeye for fo it is " called,rfthe eye-teftng!e,al! the 6o.dyis light,6ut if· · theey~bew.icked : (forfoitmufibein-ter-preted ) <. ifthe eie bedouble,which is awicked de. So,my ' d r. h d A tigne-ofan 1 Bttove -,a-nvn1ound arted·man·is.-not efcribect. · · - vntound heart,, 1 to youbyany thing fo plainely)· arid perfpicu-·, oufly,asby this,that. his heart is not pitched vpon ·Godalone ;bur ·he harh' ·an eye vpon Go'd,and 1 aneyevp.on,credit, hel:flath.an~yevpon_,God.ahd ~, an eyevponhis we~thj. ,yp~ his _ p-Ieaf~tes; :or- . . ' what-