~ . zz.6' Note. A fig_ne of a pedctl: heart. wbatf0ever it is,when rhere are r.wo obj~&s: for in thatr egardamanisi:1id to hauekhean, and a heart nofas c'omm0n·ly'itistaken roma·k'(' a fllew· ofone thing, andhaueanorher within_; But it is a 1 heart. & ~l heart, w·~en rhere,at:e t'\voobjccrs, vp~ onwhichtl1e heart is f~t, that theheart is divi– ded berween 'rwo, & fo iriscloven a fimder, as it were:& fo iris a·double heart by 'wayofdiviGon and notby havingon~rhingin iliew; &another within. Now then, if youwil1 finde out what _a perfect man is, I fay, it is ·hetha~ hath a fixed re- .folurion to cleaue tb God·atorie;that ha_th hiseye· vponhim, and vpon nothing bdides. Thisis ,a Gngie ·heatt,whenam_an fhal~ refolue(for infran·.: ces,will beG: mi,~eit cleare to yon Jwhen ·aman fhallfayfa.s1~Jb:tahdid; Well, faith-he; I fee you are ready to take divers wayes,but I am r~folved for my p~rt,for·meand my houfe,,vee~illferue the· Lord,that I am refolved0n-.So David, r-hatta cho('t;;~ theway ofhis.comandements,r havefworne :fokeepe·'the-m; 'andt1rat 1wiltdoe: \:Vhen ~ 1i11n is once refol ved,throughly, when he is grounded~ andh.atha ferled refolur.ion, an vnchanged rcfo– lu'tion,thatpitchethhirn vpon one, he is no Ion. ger in doubt -betweenc t\~O, this is a-perfect h.earrcdman.SoMo{estakcs this refolution,I wii fuffer ·af/liltion with the people ?fGod; as -if he {hould fay, I hauechofen it, whatfoever beco~e ofme, thoitgh lbe abanifhcd man, though I liue a poore life;though I rurne from-being Phttr~ohs fonne in Law to ·keepe ilieepe in the Wtl- ·derneffe, yet this is my refoluti0n: here I haue fixed r ------~--------------~--------------