' . V~R 1 G HT NE s. •fixed my-ll:affr, t~is w111 f _do ... Herein· the:per_:– .fect:ion ahdint~g!ide of his he~rr was feene; Sothethreemen, siJ.rach, uueftchahd t;_Abedn_~g~. _ :r ~is~ f~y -~hey, we. are rc~olved._vpon 1 'whetl1er we oe delivered, . or not delty:er~ct, \yhether_ v:e die 010 liue,wl)atfoeve~com~y.p,o9 vs;· we wtfl ft?rue the Lorfl,trvee,,wt!l. nptw,orfltr thine !doll. And fo Job, though .hee..ki!t mee,.y~t will I tmjl in him; That is Hhoug~ ·he multiply miferks vpon- m_e1~ven to ~he _ve~y .. ~·e~nh.; yet I am refolved_- to ferue hi~1,1p,yhea.rtis there pitched, his, . will I be.;. Jl~is is to·h?-ue a fin- ·. gleeye, and a fingle hearr ;-·. WJ,len the heart is divided~ itis imperfed-~JiiCha n1anis 'Vnconftant in allhis wayes,faithfam,es: Su~~a ,o.new3rs . S~l,. andfuchaonewas Am,aziah: ~hat indeed is the cafe ofa11hyppcrites~ And tqthis, I adde, that whiCh is . faict, ..?lfdttliew ,8. :tbefourthgr.otJnd is Mii:h s. ' fayd·to hau~..aq. hq'!efl heart) an ~ hone~ h~a~t. Anhoneil fiapds ·iii. ,this,_,that - ~ r.nan refQlues tO' ferue the heart,what. ~ord witnpat~~~c'e, : ati.d wirh'abftinence,. that' .is-~. the .definition, tl1at .l :,fVill gjueofj.t, ..ReJPJ.L ha.th an honcfi heart,..he ~efolues to(erue God, irraiJthingswil:h patknce,andabfiinence,oneof diem i~~~.(preft in the!Text, h'eebringsforthfruit. wit~ pat~ence, the orber: ladde, for a more full . explication ofit·. ' Tl-ie' meaning is this, _hehath. an vpr,igh_t., and~ ~oneil: -.~eart;- that fr,-~itcheth ~ vponGodtbat he wiH· not bedrawne aftde for anything: Nowt1iere arcl;>ut twe things that . ,. draw vs aildeirna£i$,.either perfecution; affiicHTwo things- ~on, ~P~. ~F9~~b~e·:· ~4~~ f<?r ~~~slt~e' . hone~ - ~he?~~ ~~d~v5from - , . . . . ath