Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

Intef{ritie: wbichcon· lifis in three · things. Ierem,IO·J• ·OF MANS ') . -' ~- ----~----- hath patience, he refolues tofufferthem, whatfocver they be,and therfore he is a~le to g_o on_: .· or,on the other fide; pleafures 7 anddivers Iufts, . that dr.ew away the tl}ird grpJ,Ind,,as perfet;Ution did.t}le tecond:here the honefi heart hatha refol– ved abllinence, he is content to·part with them, and to be without them:rherfore he brings forth fruitwhen another dorh not; that is, another trlay l1aiie'afaire olaae,buteitherperfec.L1tio~,or elfe pleafures, and divers lull:s come betweene, and intercept his matt.lritie, that he never comes to any bearing offruit,to any purpofe; This ex– preffion I put togeth~r with finglenetfe of heart, aheart without guile) and without mixture be– caufe there is a fimilitQde betweene them. So mu eh for th_at expreffionlikewife. A_third Expreffion there is in the Scripture, whichyotffhallfind in 'thefe WOrd_$, 'Jere.3.10. · Theydidnot turne10 mewith their whole peart,but feignedly. And very oft,Thou flutltferue theLord · thy Gedwithallthy .heart.Sothatthe wholenes of the heart,theincegritie of the heart, he that hath this is aperfect man, he, that wan~s it isan vn- , found hearted man. Nowwharis this Integrity, and wholnes ofheart,you lhall fee in thefe three, ' the integririe ofthe.fi1bject, the incegritieofthe objeet,andth~integririe ofrhe,whereby thefubjed,andthe object arc joyned together. ·· . · The Imegritieofthefubjeet, that is the heart . TheIn:egrlty ofa man, that ~, cailthe fubject.T}Je In~egrity of \(lfthefubjed:. theobjett I call the Commandements, when he · ~ hath ,refpeCl: toall ofthem ; The Integritie ofthe , meanes ,