Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

• V p R I G H T N & s. ------------------ m~anesI call that; which brings the heart, and." the Commandemcnt together; that is,the vfe of all holy Ordinances,and the abfiinence from all occalions,. that may draw vs another way. So nowhe is·aperfeit man withGod,that firft bath a whole heart; thatis, fudra heart where,ofevery , parr, and faculde is fanttified: There is no·patt ofit, butit is feafoneJ ·with grace, there is no Awholehcan · whede in alfthe foule,&ut it is tqrned the right wha~. way,according tothat,I The[5.Heis [an{fijied tTbd:,.. throughout,inbody,foule, AndJjirit, I fay, whena. man fhallfindevt? ry thing within him, readie to· prayfe theLord, and to loo:ke toward the Lurd, all that is .withinhim. There is not any thing.. within him, ofwhich he can fay,the bent ofit is another way.I fay,fuch aman hath an integrity ofheart: :Anotherman,.you fhallfindit thusal- · .way with him, that, though inmany.things he wilhwell; and hath agood meaning, and good purpofes,yetthereis fome thingor other, hath frollen awax fomething in his/heart, fomething ' within h'im is not right,it may be in his feare, he cannot fay he.feares God; .and :nothing elfe: for there are many things that he feares -more then _ God,fohecannot fay ofhisloueto-God;that,that . .isright ,:it maybe~ itis mifplaced, though many other things may be right inhim,heloues riches he loues credit,he Iouesreputation, .he loues his eafe,and conveniency, his pradif~,and imployrnent; So that, ifGiidand thefe ihould come in Nou. competition, he would be readietoviolate his confdence towards him,rather thento part with thefe: