Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

!~0 ~ --~-----~ _ 1 thefe: And fohisgriefe,thatis not principally 2, Integritiein the, ~bjeCl: for finne, there is fomewhat or other, that you fhall finde him fayling in,there is not an integri– tie in the fi1bjecr. Andfecondly, thereisaslittle _in the object:; he bath not ttn eyeto all the commandements,wher– astheperfect heartedman, there isnodutiebut he gives vphis heart to it: And againe, there is nothing forbid den, no finne-; ·but hisheart is a– verfe from it, and he refifl:s it to the vttermolf. You fhall fee this exprdiion,Jam.3 .2.Hethatcan guide his tongue is aperfect man,in many thingswe jinnea!l,ifanymanJinnenotin word,heis aperfcrt man: Compare this with Iames-r.26. If any man among you feemes to 6e religiou;, andrifraineth not his tongut, but deceiues his owne heart; this mans religion is in.vttint. I fay, youmay take but this one infl:ance, that this is the judgement ofthe holy Ghojl: !hould aman haue an eye to · every CommaQdement,and !hould he but fa.yle in this one thing, not brideling his tongue, but giue vp his tongue to evill fpeeches, to let it walke loofe,vp and downe, whitherit will,ifhe do but neglect this one particular, yetJayth.the Text, all the reft of his Religion is but vaine 3 Why~Becaufe there is not an Integritiein the objeCt, he hathnotan eyetothewhole Law,fo that, if aman fayle in this, he is not a perfect tnan, if either .it be in the fi1bj cd, or in the o~ea. . 3 Orthirdiy, if it be in the meanes, thatknits Integritieof h s; h h k h 'll chemeanes. t ele toget er, t ati£, ta ea man t atw1 not . V~