4 , 'Vprightnesor ftraightnes. The~ymeof anvpright -man. Thert.tleofa perfect man. / the third,you may"knowwhether aman haue an · eye.to every 'Cemmandemenr, ifhevfc all the meanes,and abfiaine from all occafto(iSofftnne: forifthou do n0t this~ pretend what thouwilt, thy.heartisfalfe.So much for this third. Thefourthexpreffion, that I find in Scrip.. ture, is vprightn~ffo,orfl:raightnelfe ofheart: the wor.d,in the originallanfwers(Rellitudo)and an vprigi1tman, in the originall is as muchas ( vir rectus) a firaight man: UUarke the way ofthe vp– right and perfed_man, his latterendisgood, it is peace,P(a/.37· Thatis; ofall:raightman: .So the ffraightnes ofthe heart,ifwe can find what.it is; we fl1all know what it is t0 haue a perfect heart with God.Nowthell:nightneffeofaman(for [o I will rather expreffe it in the Concrete ) is fee ne in this.,whether he hath fl:raight & vpright ends:· Anvprighi: man you iliall know by his aymes) he hath a right end; the ayme, and {cope, and . marke, that his eye is vpon,isGod.r glory,and his ownefalvation,todo andfufferthe willof God, whatfoeveritis r that is robe faithfull and dili~ gent inhis calling, tobeferviceable and profita– ble to others, thefeare thethings dur are in his heart,thefearethe rjghrends; and he is favd to hauea right h~art,whofe ends are right>that pit– chethvpon right,and ll:raightends,an0likewife, . he that goes by a frraight rule:for a right end ne- . vcr hathacrookedrule Ieadingtoit.B1Itifa man would knowwhetherhehatha right end: thou fl1altknow it hythis,thereneedsnot anyoblique way to-lead to fuch an end,butthouwilrgobya. . :_ fl:raight , ,