Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

., M AN s youmuft loue yottr enemies, you mull: M~(fe thofe that cttrfe yott,j}eake well ofthofe thatj}ealee evil/of ypu. And when a man £hall object, but this is a hard thing ;that is the Conclufion, fayth he,jou muftbeperfec1 M your heavenly Father is perftu; he doththus, htctmfeth his Sunne tojhinevponthe good, and th·e6ad, he cau[eth his raine to fall vpon them,andyour perfection mull: be as large as his: Andfo againe, perhaps thou art one rh~~t wilt abll:aine from fwe?ring greateroarhs, but thar is not enough, thou mull: notfweare 6y thy haires, thou art not able to make one whitc,or 6/acke, much leffe mull: we fweare by our Trurh,and by out , Faith, which-ismore worth then ,haircs. Soa– gaine,perhapsthou arc one that wilt not com– mit Adulterie ; but ifthou cheriihfinfull Iufl:s, contemplatiue fornication, and vndeannes in thy heart,thoufallefr fhon,in thatthyperfection ·is notfo broad as the Lords: (that is) that which his Law require_s, that faith, Thort-)halt net lttft. Andfoagaine;perh~ps thoufiyell:, he harh done me wrong, and I will doe him no inju~ice, but. aneyeforaneye) thourequirell:jufrice according to retaliation, and proportion: Bur that is note– nougli, hut thou mull forgiue perfect!y: if he haue done thee two or three OF foure wrongs, thou mull: bearethem, & leauerevenge perfectly to God.Ifyouobject,this is hard,who can do it? He faith, !Jeperftu,asyour heavenly Father,&c. fo you feethe meaningofit. Ifyou would f:ind ournow, whetheryourheartsbe perfect or no, confiderwhetherthe latitude of them be fuch, • whether