') s --s I 0 F M A 'N ~S-; 1 con~ition.;Belovedyou inuft kaowtl:tis,thatJe[ih; ~.C/#i;JHiathgi\'?ntoall thQfethat 'fijall •be ,fa'veiil gr_acejottgntce;thar·ev·enas he.requiresperf(!fltio I. ofobe~knce,ina latitude-(!nf w~t·able to all the t Cornrriandements,to all the particlesof them, , ~ven.a perfe&on.a:nfWerable to his --owne per-· ; ~fettion ;-fo'heha~hgiven-vs grace-foqgtace,.that ' ·"is, he.hath giuen vs an inward abilitie of graces l -which anfwerevery Comfnandement, hehath ·given vs grace for grace,astheFathergives limb ~ ~ forlimb;partforptrt~ thereisno.falittlefinger, -Simik• not~ toe, butthe Father-gives it the Sonne, fo theSonneofGod.giucs tovs, _ uYofes hrought the · Law,IJtttgr~tce came!Jy him; and when he would Jhew ,.what srace it i-s, it is grace of'fuc'ha lati- ' tude, tha·cit enables-you to heholy,a's'lje is holy, in allm'anner ofjonverfatian, thereis an_otherex- \ ,/ / "' •" preflionlike that, to he perftt1 as your heavenly - . F~the-r i.s;e; feil. T_herefo.re,if Y,OU ~vouldhaue . :·the tetl:imo.ny of linceritie, and perfectiOn to . yuur fe1ues, take · heed ~ you negted not' the :fmotllell: things. I knovv how vfuallyit is found fault with;when men are fo curious to looke to everf< m~ate (it fs t:O 'be ~ more nice then wife) . it is too much .ftraigbtQ.dfe; )4tnd toomuchpre:.. . dfeneffe, and exactnetfe: but I befcech you, -confider theground, I will be bold to fay this; that matt:thatnegledsthefmalleftthingj fay-~t be vainefpeeehY.poll theSahba~h ~ay,fayit be~ the·; negle~,J~t t>verlj'performa,nte ofprayer fr~ni ·- ' ·day to·day, thoogh·he will ·not omit die mame ·dutie,; though it be]:>ut avainefpeech, or vairie ' ---- - th0l!g:~_!§_ ••